Cornerstone is LIVE on Facebook Sunday mornings at 10:30!

Our Vision 

Our vision at The Cornerstone Church is simple - we exist to build strong faith, strong families and strong communities.

Strong Faith

We strive to provide an exciting, God-honoring environment for building our faith.  Our relationship with Jesus begins and ends with our personal faith in Him.  At Cornerstone, we want to provide you with the opportunity to strengthen your personal faith in Jesus.  We accomplish this by our Cornerstone connect groups, Sunday morning worship, biblical preaching and teaching.

Strong Families

We strive to build strong families.  Everyday our families are attacked.  At Cornerstone we want to do life together as a church family to help each other navigate life.  We provide biblical teaching to help strengthen us as families.

Strong Communities

We strive to build strong communities.  It is the responsibility of the church to be a strong influence for Jesus within the different communities we represent.  We want to provide a strong community environment within Cornerstone Church.